
Books are more than a words

Nov 22, 2012

Enjoy the Sparkles and Lightning Blogoversay Celebration!

You know, it's been a while since I am stalker of this awesome blog. The first time I knew about Anabelle was when I read her review about Juliet Immortal (which is awesome) over Goodreads. I was liking the book, so I was thrilled when I saw she gave it 1 star!! (if I'm not wrong). So, I needed to know why she did that. 
After reading the review I couldn't help but follow her blog and start reading all her reviews. Believe me, this girl is amazing!
And today, she is still celebrating her 1 Year Blogoversary with a lot of awesome prices!
Specially the day 8... Sparkles and Lighting is giving away 1. E-reader!!!! A lot of books and e-books and so much more.
Don't miss the chance to win something fabulous and follow this awesome blog and enter all those giveaways!!!

To go there, just click on the banner and have fun!

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