
Books are more than a words

Review Policity


If you are an author or publisher and want me to review your book, host an interview, guest post or giveaway, just send me an email to lis.krkmo5@gmail.com 


Right now I'm not accepting review requests from self published authors, this is nothing against you, it's just that I don't have the time I had before. But every Monday is dedicated to you! If you want me to spotlight your book, just send me an email with all the necessary info, and I'll let you know when the post goes live.


Genres I prefer.
Contemporary romance
Science Fiction.

I do NOT read.
Historical books.
Books Formats that I accept.
I do accept e-books because I'm international. I accept books gifted via Amazon or The Book Depository.

But if you have the chance to send me a printed copy it will be better and I'll give you priority.
I'm from El Salvador (Central America).

About my reviews
All my reviews are honest. And If I don't like your book I won't be mean because maybe someone else will love it. 

I review on GoodReads and Amazon if you ask me.  And I advertise them on Twitter and Facebook.

I'm not rewarded for my reviews.

Don't hesitate! Send me an email and tell me what can I do to help you promote your book!