Books are more than a words

Dec 25, 2014

Top 10 of 2014: Best Book Boyfriends of 2014

Welcome to day four in the Top 10 of 2014
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Today the topic is: Best Book Boyfriends of 2014
I am Team Good Boy.
I didn't know it until I made this list. The only "maybe" bad boy here is Rowan... or Akiva.
However, these boys are incredible. Hot, fantastic, lovely and... well, good.

The Top 10

 Rowan from Heir of Fire
Theron and Mather from Snow Like Ashes.
 Kai from Cress
Jack from Evertrue
Gansey from Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
Paul (but no Russian Paul) from A Thousand Pieces of You
James from The Treatment.
Drill from Rites of Passage
Zeke from The Forever Song

Honorable Mentions: 
Perry from Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi & Connor from UnDivided by Neal Shusterman.



  1. I seriously have not met any of these hotties even though I've heard of them! Need to change that haha :)

  2. OMG where have I been? I need to meet these good boys! ;)

    Here's my list -

  3. ROWAN, YES!! How could I have forgotten about him!? Love love love!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy holidays :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I have Zeke from The Forever Song too!!! Everyone seems to love Rowan!
    Great list!

    Here's our Top 10

  5. Another one with Jack from Evertrue! I included him but haven't seen him on any other posts yet! I almost included Zeke but I forgot about him until I was already over my limit.

    Best Book Boyfriends of 2014

  6. Zekeeee!! He's also on my list!! And oh dear Gansey. he would have been on my extended list too!
    Once I was making my own list I realized that if I have a type is the slightly tortured bad boy with heart of gold interior! ;)

  7. So many amazing books listed here!! This reminds me that I need to finish Shusterman's series - SO good!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. Oh, this list..this list, Lis. Can I take them all home with me? :D This is why I read, for characters like those ;))


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