
Books are more than a words

Aug 19, 2013

Witchling by Ari Harper *Blog Tour, Guest post & Giveaway!*

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my stop in the Witchling blog tour, hosted by Itching for books.
Today I have an awesome guest post to share with you!
Check it out!

The guest post.

How Witchling came to be
My first love when it comes to writing is Young Adult. I cannot lie, I love getting lost in the mystical magical side of things. Losing myself in imaginary worlds (they are really real, are they?) filled with witches, gods and monsters is such a great way to escape reality.
Nera came to me as just a small voice nagging at a corner of my brain. She stayed that way for months until realizing I wasn't listening, she got louder and demanded, yes demanded, to be heard.
Funny thing was, I didn't know how to write.
I can hear you now, how hard can it be? Just pick up a pen and get into it, right?
Well for me it wasn't that easy. I remembered back to my school days and the class I loved  most. English. When my teacher wrote a sentence on the blackboard and said, "Class, here is your assignment. Write a story starting with this."
Loved, loved, loved it. But I didn't think it was what I should be doing if I was going to be a serious writer. Come on now, shouldn't I plot and draw up plans that covered my lounge room with maps of everything I should do? Shouldn't I?
If I was a plotter that would be the way to go. But here's the kicker, I'm not and never will be. I can't sit and plan, I lose the story.
So I did nothing. Nera was furious and let me know with early morning forays into my sleep deprived brain. At Christmas I bemoaned to my daughter-in-law and son-in-law my plight. They are both literary people in their own way.
"Just write the thing," they both said in unison.
"But, I don't know how."
"Open your laptop and write what comes out."
So I did and discovered the most wonderful story coming from within.
Holy Goddess, I'm a pantser. Something I never knew existed.
That was the most rewarding Christmas conversation I have ever had and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their wise words.
So, that is how Witchling came to be. Rather cool I think.


Series: Curse of Kin #1
Released: November 29th 2012
Publisher: Lycaon/Breathless Press
Purchase: Amazon

Nera is a normal teenage girl living in Ireland-or so she thought. Her world is forever changed when she discovers that she is descended from a long line of witches. To her horror she finds she is the one that is supposed to stop the curse that has taken the life of every girl before her. As if that isn't enough, she must learn to use magic and her trainer is a man named Bones. He is the son of Mari, Queen of the Witches, and a god. It is Bones that has been entrusted to teach her the skills she needs to stay alive, which wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have an uncanny knack for pushing her buttons. Can Nera learn what she needs while staying immune to the charms of the man that gets under her skin at every opportunity?


Ari Harper never wanted to grow up.
To offset the limitations of aging ungracefully, she created her own set of unique worlds where she can be and do whatever she wants.

Gods, witches and demons surround Ari while she spins her magic, doing mainly what they tell her to do. Given a chance, she prefers to work amongst chaos, which is good because she is constantly surrounded by children, all clamoring for attention. Some of them end up in her stories, some of them even get to die grisly deaths or be cast away to another realm.

Visit her at: www.ariharper.com

Hint: Who attacked Nera in the school grounds? 



  1. Awesome guest post. Thanks for participating :)

  2. I think the cover is simply great, thanks for the chance.

  3. Hmmmm, I think I'll have to check this one! I love the cover and it is set in Ireland which is one of my fave places in the world!


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