
Books are more than a words

Aug 17, 2013

Twin Covers #3

Hello! The cover lover attacks again!
This time, after I found a lot of covers alike, I realized some people don't know about them and it was a good idea, or at least funny idea to share those "twin covers" with you.

For week number 3.
Well, We've been on vacations and while I was working -on vacations- I've been thinking about this book called Bree's fire, and when I looked for it on Goodread I found Ivy and I knew I had to share it with you in this Twin Cover's week!
Look at them!


Almost the same, right?
Well, the three summaries sound good, so check them out.
To add them to Goodreads just click on the image! 


1 comment:

  1. Another cool post-I think I've seen Ivy with a different cover before but am loving the sound of all these titles.


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