
Books are more than a words

Apr 13, 2014

Pining for: The Young Elites by Marie Lu

After the Legend series I'll read everything Marie Lu writes. And after finding the awesome Pinterest page for The Young Elites... I. AM. DYING. TO. READ. IT!

And now, it has a cover! 

Expected publication: October 7th, 2014



"Some hate us, think us criminals to hang at the gallows. Some fear us, think us demons to burn at the stake. Some worship us, think us divine children of the gods.

But all know us."


Adelina Amouteru is a survivor of the blood plague: marked by a jagged scar, snow-white hair and lashes. Cast out by her family, Adelina has finally found a place to belong within the secret society of Young Elites. To some, the Elites are heroes, here to save innocents in desperate situations. 
But to the Inquisition Axis, the white-robed soldiers of Kenettra, they are monsters with demonic powers who must be brought to justice. 
As Adelina learns more about this perilous world where politics and magic clash, she soon realizes that her own powers may be in danger of bringing on an era of panic such as the world has never seen.
The new series, set in what Putnam described as a “Renaissance-like world,” is called The Young Elites. It follows three rival societies with supernatural powers battling for supremacy.



  1. The cover looks great and the synopsis does too! Since I loved the Legend series, this one I plan to check out for sure!

    1. And you can check the Pinterest board for this series. It looks even more exciting!

  2. Oh how I am waiting for this!!!
    To be honest, I am not crazy about the cover (maybe because I do follow her pinterest board, so I was expecting something more.. I don't know, just more), still the story seems more than promising and coming from Marie Lu I really expect to love it.

    1. I was expecting something more, too! I love the font but I don't find it spectacular.
      Anyway, I'm sure I'll love the story!


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