
Books are more than a words

Mar 20, 2014

Under the Cover #1: Unravel me by Tahereh Mafi.

Is not a secret that I don’t like hardcovers.
But let me tell you why: Most of the time the covers (jackets?) are too fragile, and too hard to take care of.  And If I decide I will carry the book naked, then, it's too plain, and it gets dirty so easily!
But I need hardcovers.
That’s why I copied Tahereh Mafi’s idea, and I scribbled under those covers.

And since (like I said), this is an idea I saw on Tahereh's pages, the first book I took was Unravel me.

The cover.

Under the cover.



  1. Love this! I had seen Tahereh's covers and loved them but never thought of doing it myself, haha. Your's came out perfect =)

  2. That's actually quite an interesting idea! Even more if you can manage to write quotes from the books or things like that in an artistic enough way!


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