
Books are more than a words

Sep 16, 2013

Judging a book by its cover #4: Wintergirls

 Well, the last time I posted about this segment was a long time ago, I totally forgot about it! ;)
Anyways, I am back and this time my friends are judging Wintergirls.

Check what my friends say!


I asked my friend Fran what did he think about this cover.
He said:
"Witches! Winter!"
And then:
"Well... I first sight it looks like a sc/fic novel. Possibly YA, the protagonist is a girl between 15 or 16 years old that by casuality has powers related with winter."

And then, my friend Liss said:
"Faeries... cold faeries!"
Have you read this book? You know what it's about?
And if you liked the cover, head over Goodreads and ADD IT.



  1. :O *-* Added to my goodreads

    1. Yes! because you think its about witched! lol!

  2. Oh, and it has nothing to do with paranormal stuff, lol

  3. I have no idea what it is about, but that cover would surely make me check it out!

  4. This book is amazing -- one of my favorite YA books ever -- and I love the cover too!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics


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