
Books are more than a words

Nov 27, 2012

Book Review: Timeless by Michelle Madow

Timeless (Transcend Time #3)
Author: Michelle Madow
Pages: 230
Goodreads AVG Rating: 4.09
Source: eARC copy received by author
In Remembrance, Lizzie and Drew changed the course of fate so they could be together. 
In Vengeance, Chelsea set fate back on its original, deadly path. 
Now, strange things keep happening to Lizzie. Things that are omens of darkness to come. A curse has doomed her to die an early death, just as she did in her past life. To make matters worse, even if she can figure out who cast the curse, it's irreversible. There's only one option left for her to save herself. It's crazier than anything she's heard yet, and to do it, she'll need Drew and Chelsea's help.
Because to make things right, they must go back to when it all began … and Lizzie discovers that the final events in her past life were more sinister than she ever imagined.


My feelings.
It’s been a while since the day I read Remembrance and Vengeance. To be honest, I didn’t remember this saga a lot. I met it through my friends in TBR Intervention Challenge meme. And then my friend April @ Books4Juliet recommend it to me. And I really enjoyed it, so I was looking forward to Timeless… but I just forgot about it.
Then, when saw the cover reveal contest I got the chance to ask for a review copy. My e-reader broke and I couldn’t post my review on time. I know. I suck!
But when I finally got the chance to read the review by Annabelle @ Sparkles and Lightning, I stopped reading my currently book and started Timeless, in my computer.  
So much trouble for a book, because I wasn’t in the mood these days, but it worth it!

The Plot.
It was the great part. I didn’t expect all the things that were happening. I didn’t even read the summary before I start to read it. So, I was thrilled to discover the new impediment in Elizabeth and Drew’s relationship.
I loved that this book didn’t get stuck in the fact of the reincarnation. Oh my Gosh, you’ll even read about magic and some things I don’t want to say because it’ll be great when you realize it by yourself. Michelle did great by creating an unforgettable plot.

The characters.
Elizabeth: Great girl. She was brave and smart and really good. I love heroines that after all happening to them, they’re still good with a heart free to hatred. I’d love to have her as my best friend.
Drew: For some reason, I missed Drew. He the same gentleman, sweet and swoon-worthy that I remember, though, I’d wish that he had more dialogues and romantic moments.
Chelsea: Okay, this is the only thing I really didn’t like. No Chelsea, I mean, I liked her. She’s human, every human made mistakes. But I think it was too soon for her to be really sorry.
 The other characters: I’d love to see more about Shannon and Jeremy, but it was good. I likes all secondary characters, they were necessary, but not so necessary. Just good.

The love story.
This part was my favorite. The author did an excellent job by writing a love story without a lot of kissing scenes. Yes, because love isn’t just about kisses and hot moment. It’s also about trust, friendship, support, confidence, respect. It’s all I saw between Liz and Drew.
Wow! Thanks for that Michelle.

The ending.
I freaked out! Seriously! The first lines of the prologue leave me with my mouth open. And then I laughed and screamed and clapped my hands. So sweet and perfect. Loved it. There’s no more I can say about it. This is what I expected of a love that can transcend time.

The cover: Okay, I can't help but talk about the cover of every book I read. This time, I didn't like the cover. I mean, the background and the model are pretty, but her expression isn't beautiful. That's my only complaint.

Final thoughts.
This book was one of the best endings I ever read. I’ll be glad waiting for more books by this author. Since the first chapter it let us wishing to read more, it was a page turner, and addictive read.


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