
Books are more than a words

Jul 2, 2012

Propheticus Blog Tour Stop! Review & giveaway.

I'm so excited to join the Propheticus blog tour hosted by Shane @ Itching for books. I'm participating with my review for the second book of this trilogy The Migliao, an incredible travel for a world of sci-fi.

Title: The migliao (Propheticus #2)
Author: Emma Daley
Pages: 284
Goodreads AVG Rating: 4.25
Summary: l Add here
I didn’t feel like the savior of the universe. I was afraid of tiny cliff sides and dead animals. But I didn’t have a choice; people depended on me-millions of people. My life was no longer my own. Just as the Mangitor de Sangue’s was not their own. My name is Aniah. I saw my fate last year in the eyes of a monster, otherwise known as a SleepWalker, a breed of the Mangitori de Sangue. I have yet to learn about this prophecy in which I am an omnipotent warrior sent to save this universe from the deadly clasps of the Mangitori de Sangue, an ancient army of blood lusting creatures. I must try to pull myself from this fearful prison of self pity and desperation that I have trapped myself in, realizing I could lose everyone I ever loved, and become the warrior that millions are counting on. I must learn to fight and spill blood; to run and to hide; and worst of all, to be prepared to have my world ripped to pieces.

My thoughts.
This book was a great surprise for me. When I started reading it, I never expected it could be so good. And of course, I didn’t know it was sci- fi!
First of all, I’m a cover lover. That way this book never caught my attention. And the name: The migliao? What the hell it could be?
That why I was really happy since the first pages. The author introduced me to Aniah’s world and the horrible Mangitori de Sangue. Terrible creatures that try to destroy the world and kill Aniah to ended up with the prophecy. Prophety in which her is the savor the universe.

This story is about the travel of Aniah, Novell (her incredible boyfriend) and Dyna (a half blood, Novell’s sister) and their journey to find a way to destroy the Mangitori.
One of the things I liked the most about The migliao is the switches in the POV. I prefer reading from Novell’s POV. I have to be honest, If this book were only from Aniah’s POV I probably would ended up really mad and boring.
Aniah’s a good character but I hated her insecurities, and said “No!!! again, no!!!” everytime she was crying. In the end she grow a little, but I really hope that in the next book she can discover how strong she can be.
Novell is a sweetheart! I started loving him since his first mention. He is strong and sweet and protective. And he can handle all the weakness of his lovely girl.
The biggest surprise for me was Jonahs. He was so good!
Well, after all, all I want to said is that this book deserve a try. Maybe you, like me, don’t like the cover but the story is better than that. For the first time I have to say DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

The ending of this one killed me!! I hope I can read the next soon.
A great storyline, an amazing plot, an incredible, a terrible world full of monsters. You won’t want put it down once you start this travel.

About the author
At a very young age, Emma engrossed herself in stories of fantasy and mystery. Stories such as such as Jack and The Beanstalk, Peter Pan, and the Grimm Fairytales captured her attention and sent her into daydreams of other worlds with horrible obstacles that needed to be overcome. She couldn’t get enough mystery and adventure as she read about characters with strength and wit that could change their worlds under incredible circumstances. They were given magic or advice that helped them through their challenges, and Emma easily saw how this courage could be related to every day life, as she dreamt of courageous and adventurous ways out of her own obstacles in life. She seemed to be attracted to films with horror and excitement, suspense and intrigue. At the age of five, if you asked her what her favorite movies were, you’d be surprised to hear the variety and culture of these films; The Labyrinth, It, Never-ending Stories, Poltergeist and the Little Mermaid. As she got older, she never missed an episode of X-files and the Outer Limits. She was a big Terry Brooks fan; she began the Shannara series and after her homework was done, she would read until bedtime. 

And now, the giveaway!
Don't miss the chance to win the three (3) books of the series.
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lis, Thanks for the great review, I am happy to be a part of the blog tour today. Can't wit to see who gets a copy of these books!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway. After reading the review I think these books would be awesome. Gale

  3. Thanks for participating. Great review!


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