
Books are more than a words

Jun 26, 2012

Cover reveal: Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Okay, I was just refreshing my page when  see this amazing thing.
The chemical garden book 3 has a cover!
It mane will be Sever and it's awesome!!
You see?
I always love the covers for this series. I have Wither and I love it!
But at the same time I like to put my attention in all the little things. Just for that I have to say that maybe this girl is not as stunning as the others. And the background is less interesting.
But this doesn't mean, it's ugly, because IS BEAUTIFUL!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I think Wither looked best (I love that cover so much), the other two are great as well. I find the design of these covers unique and beautiful, and all of them seem to give some insights into the story (and that's what a cover should be doing)
    Happy midnight reading!


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